Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Viva Las Vegas!

Well I am almost there. . . just a few more days till I am in Vegas! Yep the "real" Vegas in Nevada as opposed to the New Mexico one :) Woohoo I can't wait. We are driving there so it will be a cool road trip. This is my first trip to Vegas and I can't wait. . my biggest hope of the weekend is that I will see Elvis! ha ha. Well be there for the weekend so I should have some stories to tell when we are back!! I'll also post pictures too! Happy Tuesday before the long weekend!! Have a good one!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Interesting tid-bit

Okay so here is a Denver observation I made today. . as I was driving home I got stuck in a red light. . it always seems to happen here . . for some reason people drive extremely slow here. But anyways not to wander of my point. . but I noticed that on each corner there are a total of 3 crosswalking light up signs. . 3 not 2. Apparently in downtown, they have crosswalking signs to cross across the street. . not the normal way but actually cutting crossways. Very interesting. . .this rates right up there with Salt Lake City where they had flags that you had to hold up to get cars to stop so you could cross. It was hillarious!

Oh and here is a little advertising tid bit too! Target bought out all of the ad space in the New Yorker. . which has NEVER been done before-most advertisers in the New Yorker are upscale like private jets and designer bags. So to even have a Target ad is news but to buy out the whole magazine and have only Target ads-it's brilliant. They are trying to get the upper New York market and I think they did a great job. There ads are great too. .. all illustrated with just a little bit of red in it and maybe a logo or two. I actually have one of the ads on my desktop. . I love it so much. It is so inspiring to see a company just do it right when it comes to advertising. They broke the standard and did their thing which is hard to come by now adays because everyone always seems to jump on the bandwagon. Okay enough shop talk. Take a look at my favorite ad in the bunch, they are fantabulous!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The weekend!

So I know I always let a little time lag between updates-oops. . oh well right. Anyways did I mention that we went camping in the Rocky Mountain National Park? Chris came up and we all went camping . . .it was fun! I definitely missed camping it has been oh. . 4 or so years since I have gone. Way to long of a time to not go. Well for this update I am mostly going to include pictures so you can see what is up. Oh doesn't the picture above look like Ireland?? I have never been to Ireland but this is what I imagine it to look like!! Well these pictures are from a couple of weekends ago on our camping trip. . this weekend we are hanging out at home . . went to a cool restaurant and bar today. Finally checked out My Brother's Bar which was in "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac. . pretty cool place they even had popcorn there! And then for lunch we went to Hemmingway's . . which is a restaurant made to look like you are in Key West. Hmm our day seemed to evolve around food and drinks! Oh I forgot we also went to the book store and the library so I guess you can add books into the mix too:) Well have a good one!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Here is Tucker with our new friend Slim! Slim the squirrel visits us everyday for nuts. Look at how close they are. It is FUNNY to watch them!

From 28 to 29

Well I did it. . I turned 29. Just one year shy of the big 30. I think it was in Sex in the City where they said the 30's are the best years. . so I have my fingers crossed on that one! I'm thinking winning the lotto would make it the best years what do you think?

The last few days of my 28th year. . I got hooked on the second season of Dark Angel. . Library rental. I literally stayed up trying to watch as many episodes as I could. I forgot how much I loved that show. Then on Saturday we went to Colorado Springs and went to the Garden of the Gods. It definitely was beautiful. We also went to an old "Ghost Town". . .so we were suckered in the tourist stuff because when we paid our $6 admission we went into this big warehouse that had a little town set up. The highlight of the visit was they had a small pool of water where you could pan for GOLD! Well gold flakes that is. I was determined to find something so I sat there looking. . then a couple came up and within a second they were both like oh I found one. . Meanwhile there I was still panning. . .Don't worry I hung in there. . and finally found something!! Yep I found a gold flake! So part of the finding is that you get to take it up to the front desk and they put it on a card for you to keep. So there I was carefully holding it between my fingers so I wouldn't lose it.. then when I took it up to the front desk, I showed the lady that it indeed was real and she confirmed it and when she grabbed the tape to put it on the card, it fell off my finger. And then it was lost. . . I looked all over but we couldn't find it. So I had to say goodbye to my gold flake. And I relunctantly left but if anyone is there know that my hard earned gold flake is there somewhere at the front desk. . by the register and paper. If I close my eyes I can still see it. . oh it was beautiful:)

Then on Sunday we went to a Renaissance Festival. . it was cool, my first experience with something like that. I loved it and I couldn't believe that they actually had a real life jousting match! The king was nice enough to make an appearance for the event too! It was great! So far 29 is treating me pretty good.

Well I am getting sleepy now so I am going to close. . Talk to you later!