Sunday, October 08, 2006

Another Week

17 weeks 2 days

Hey so just a latest scoop on what is going on in our world:

Last weekend we were up in Winter Park (ski town). Anyways my work had a 5 year celebration where they rented a HUGE house and we all went up there on Friday and stayed the night then spouses came up the next morning and we spent the night there for another night. Driving up was fun. . . I drove up with a girl I work with and she borrowed a convertable for a fun drive up. So we drove there about an 1 1/2 hour drive through the mountains with the top down . . it was FUN! So anyways we figured drinking would start at 2 once all the presentations were done and we started to play Frisbee Golf. . and to our surprise when we got there about 10:30 am. . drinks were all round already. It was a blast- even though I couldn't partake in the drinking fun they got lots of candy for me so I could be on a constant sugar high- Anyways it was beautiful up there the house was great. . . there was poker going on, pool matches- which by the way me and another girl won 2 games against first round. . two guys, second round 3 guys (they had to get extra enforcement to beat us girls and they still lost). It was definitley great to spend time with just co-workers and just have fun. It is a very young crowd that I work with all our age even the owners, everyone is super cool too. Extra bonus!

So then Al and 2 other spouses drove up on Saturday and we just chilled out, went to dinner and played games. It was low key but good since there were two pregnant ladies there- me and my boss's wife! Anyways it was a fun weekend.

Then on Thursday we had our 16 week appt.. . . and heard the little heartbeat again. It was crackiling a lot and she told us that the baby was moving around a lot- pretty crazy since I can't really feel it. Our next appointment is on Nov. 2 and that is where we have another ultrasound. Can't wait!