Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Change change change

Well for those of you who haven't heard, we bought a house! The house actually belongs to us right now which is cool. . .but we won't be moving into it till the first of December. It is a small ranch style house with 3 bedrooms/1 bath and a little back yard. Can you believe it after all this time that we have lived in apartments in Yonkers, NYC, Denver. . . now we are actually going to have something to call our own. We can do whatever we want with it. . knock down a wall even. . .Not that we would but just the principle of it that we actually can!! We can have company over and not have to stick them on the futon in the living room:) I can't wait!!

So that is the big news for us. And the process of it took up lots of our spare time. Now we are just getting ready to move. We went to Oregon for a quick weekend to visit Al's grandparents, went camping at the Rocky Mountain National Park which was awesome! We decided on a Friday night just to leave so we drove up there and slept in the back of our truck in the visitors centers parking lot. Then the next day we checked into the National Park campground. It was mating season for the Elk so all night and day we heard them making their mating calls-check out this picture with all the Elk. Then last weekend we went to Six Flags which is right downtown. It was fun, I forgot how much I LOVED rollar coasters, it wasn't quite Cedar Point but it was cool enough. Fun fun. . . and that is about it. Just keeping busy and waiting until we can move into our house.

On the side of stuff I have been helping plan our holiday party at work with being the "Director" of decorations ha ha . . everyone got a snazzy title. It is the wild west theme so it has been fun trying to recreate that look. I know it is sorta odd to have a wild west theme for a holiday party:) But our office was actually an old Pacific Express Stable which was just like Pony Express so since it has so much history, we wanted to play up that theme. We tried to get real horses to put in the basement stables -where they were at way back when. . but it didn't quite work out so we are improvising:)

Oh and my latest craze. . . is listening to the Wicked soundtrack. We went to see it a while ago in NYC and I forgot how much I loved it until I listened to the recordings of the original cast which is the cast we saw. So that makes it so much better! What a good show it was.

Now I will close with one of Al's latest watercolors he did of Johnny Cash & June Carter, it is really good I wish you all could see it in person since this picture doesn't really give it justice. . it is so good, I love it. . .