Saturday, August 08, 2009

2009 and Trying it Again

Now let's see how long I can keep this up this time. . is it 1 day. . .a couple of months.. . longer. . . hmm stay tuned! Since the last posting, we took a family vacation to England and Ireland in October 08 and this year we went to Flordia, Maya was a flower girl for the first time in Arizona and we took a trip to Michigan to move my Mom to Colorado. She is currently living with us until she finds an apartment. Maya is loving having her "Grandma Anna" here, yes that is correct if I mention Grandma to Maya, she is the first to correct me that it is Grandma Anna! Random pics are below.

Maya has grown so fast, sometimes I look at her and I am amazed that I had a part in making this little person. Our "big" plans for today include taking Maya to an event at the Zoo called Zoomily! It is for kids where they tell stories and have Zoo people dress up in character storybooks. So the kids can dress up too. Maya loves to dress up - everyday she puts on her skirt, "glass slippers", beaded necklaces and wants to dance around - it is her official gypsy dance outfit so she will be dressing up as a fairy tonight - can't wait to see her expression when she realizes that not only is she at the zoo but she is also in a magical little world!

Well I will keep it short for now so I can save some energy to post stuff after ZOOmily!
Above, in Wales and the next picture is in Ireland at the Guiness Factory.

Picture on the left is from the coast of Ireland, then the next picture is in Flordia.

Finally, our little flower girl Maya.

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