Friday, November 24, 2006

After Thanksgiving

24 weeks 0 days

So yesterday we spent Thanksgiving with friends (here is a pic of us before we left our house) and today we spent it putting up our tree and listening to Christmas music. It is actually the first year for our cats with our tree up. When we were living in NYC, our apartment was way too small to put out our big tree. So far so good - they sat and watched us intently while we put everything up. I think they like it too especially when we wrap up cat-nip toys for them under the tree. Wonder how long it will take them to tear into it!

We did have another ultrasound on Wednesday and all looks good still and they even confirmed again that it was indeed a girl- she was opening up her mouth and sticking out her tongue- it was so cute to see her look like a little person on the screen. Crazy!

Work is busy as ever, I helped out with a new biz pitch which took up lots of nights - now that we submitted everything it is in ful force for our Thanksmas party on Friday, 12/1. We have lots to do for decorations so this next week should be interesting to say the least. This weekend we are going to Ryan & Melissa's for another Thanksgiving dinner- we get to see Mason - yaaahh!

The other picture on here is one of me by myself - a side view so you can see my basketball that I am growing- aren't I HUGE!!! It is strange seems like everyday I get bigger and bigger. And she is moving ALOT which is a very different feeling, Al can even feel her. Not sure if she is kicking, punching or what. I know I can't wait to meet her. Also no idea on names yet- we probably won't nail it down for sure until we actually see her face and then I hope that we will know what she should be called. If not I guess her name will be X - hee hee.


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